Hasselblad Flextight X5 Scanner

13150 $
Hasselblad Flextight X5 Specs
Film Types 35mm, Medium Format, 4x5"
Reflective (Print) Scanning up to A4 Size
Maximum film scan area up to 100 x 245mm
Scan Quality
Scan Sensor Linear CCD (3 x 8000 pixels)
Optical Resolution 8000 dpi (35mm film)
3200 dpi (Medium Format Film)
2040 dpi (4x5" Film & Reflective)
Hardware Resolution Up to 6300 dpi
Interpolated Resolution None
Color Depth 48-Bit RGB
Dynamic Range 4.9
Focus System Auto Focus
Preview Speed Not Specified by Manufacturer
Scan Speed 300MB/min.
35mm: 1.55 minutes
60mm: 1.10 minutes
4" x 5": 1.23 minutes
Batch Scanning Yes (up to six images depending on film format and holder used)
Optional Batch Feeder (up to 60 frames) or Slide Feeder (up to 50 slides)
Automation Auto frame detection
FlexTouch dust removal
Computer Interface FireWire
System & Software Requirements
Windows 2000 and XP; Mac OS X+
Screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels with true colors (24-bits)
Mouse or other pointing device
FireWire interface
Light Source Cold Cathode Lamp
Power Requirements 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz
Dimensions (WxHxD) 15.4 x 25.6 x 9.1" (390 x 650 x 230mm)
Weight 55 lbs (20.5kg)
Packaging Info
Package Weight 59.5 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 31.0 x 20.0 x 17.0"

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13150 $

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