DJI Mavic 3 Cine Premium Combo

2200 $
Will Tomart
Geared towards professional content creation, the Mavic 3 Cine Premium Combo from DJI adds the ability to use the Apple ProRes 422 HQ codec, and it bumps the internal storage from 8GB to a monster 1TB SSD. Outside of that, the Cine Premium sports the same impressive dual cameras in the drone's 3-axis gimbal. One is a 20MP wide-angle camera with 4/3" CMOS and 4x digital zoom from legendary camera maker Hasselblad. The other is a 12MP telephoto with 1/2" CMOS, 4K video, 7x optical, and up to 28x digital zoom. You can utilize this in Explore Mode to scout locations, but primarily in conjunction with the wide-angle Hasselblad, transitioning between the two for truly dynamic, cinematic results.

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2200 $

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