Esaote MyLab Gamma Multipurpose Portable Ultrasound

6250 $
Esaote MyLab Gamma Multipurpose Portable Ultrasound

MyLab™Gamma: a World without Boundaries with Smart Portable Ultrasound, Delivering Affordable Productivity, Efficiency, Value. MyLab™Gamma sets ultrasound free bringing superb quality imaging and fast, accurate diagnosis to the Point-of-Care in any situation – wherever and whenever.

MyLab™Gamma is a best in class, highly-portable, ‘green’ ultrasound system. Based on Esaote’s productivity-oriented operating platform, the super-light, feature packed portable system sets ultrasound free to be used in any environment at a moment’s notice, from Point-of-Care to Shared Service solutions.

As a recognised leader in ergonomics and design lead simplicity, Esaote has engineered the MyLab™Gamma to meet the rigorous demands of the sonographer’s working environment, particularly those using ultrasound systems for many hours a day, without compromising diagnostic confidence.

The new portable ultrasound MyLab™Gamma is an extremely mobile system that can be easily shared between different departments within a clinic or hospital and can also be brought on-site without any problem:

- Anaesthesia
- Emergency & Critical Care
- Cardiology
- Vascular
- Radiology
- Musculoskeletal
- Rheumatology
- Women’s Healthcare
- Neurology

New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital

WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website.

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Whatsapp : +62858 3043 8966
6250 $

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