Automatic Perimeter Kowa AP-7000, NEW!

8950 $
Automated Perimeter Kowa AP-7000, NEW!

Automated perimeter for both static and kinetic perimetry
Next generation perimeter with the gold standard threshold test
The AP-7000 is Kowa’s next generation automated perimeter that offers an extensive variety of test strategies and screening
programmes. It provides reliable and consistent assessment results due to its normalised database.
Full threshold modes offer macular, central and peripheral coverage up to 80° whilst screening modes provide swift evaluation of the visual field for relative or absolute scotomas. To shorten test times quick modes are available for both threshold and screening modes. Furthermore, by automatically correlating the fundus image (from a fundus camera, OCT or SLO) with the static visual field, early detection of glaucoma is possible.
With its ergonomic, compact design, the AP-7000 offers additional comfort to patients, easy operation for the clinician and fits perfectly within the practice.

New Medical Electronic and ophthalmic device for hospital

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8950 $

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