New iPollo V1 3600mhs psu included ship in 5 days

9999 $
New iPollo V1 3600mhs psu included ship in 5 days
stock price , $19,999
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NEW iPollo V1 3,600MH/s In stock $9,999 USD .
Crypto Algorithm /coin - (ETH/ETC) Ethash/ETH
Hashrate(MH/s) 3600 Hashrate
Weight - 19kg
RAM - 6G
Noise level - 75db
Power - 3100W
Voltage - 220V
Interface - Ethernet
Release date - Jun 2022

-New iPollo V1 Classic 1.55Gh/s In stock $3,999 USD .

-shipping &delivery - 4 to 5 days
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-All miners' price and available stock quantity changes in real time.
-PAYMENT / Bank Transfer / BTC/ ETC /ETH
-Available IN STOCK -V SERIES - B SERIES - G SERIES IPOLLO V1 CLASSIC ETC MINER ,iPollo V1 Mini , iPollo V1 Mini Classic Plus , iPollo V1 Mini Classic WiFi Version, iPollo G1 . . .
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