Restaurant & Hotel Staff in the Netherlands, Austria and France

Ofertă de muncă 
Anenii Noi
Job Trust
Job Trust is hiring waiters and cooks for restaurants, hotels and holiday parks around the Netherlands, Austria, France!

Job Duration:

The Netherlands: from the mid of August or later for 6+ months

Austria: from November to April

France: from November to April or longer


- Cooks (head chef and sous chef, help cooks, sushi cooks, pizza chefs , breakfast cooks etc.)
- Waiters
- Dishwashers
- Other (Housekeeping, Receptionists)


The salaries are 1.600-2.300E per month + 18% extra holiday money + tips.

Accommodation in the Netherlands in some of the cases is free and in some other cases it costs 100-400E per month per person.

Shared accommodation in Austria and France is provided free on site + meals


- Good knowledge of English
- French language for France and German language for Austria advisable
- Previous working experience advisable
- EU Nationality

How to Apply:

Apply now at or send a cv to!
No commission! No fees to be paid to Job Trust!


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