Pioneer DJ DDJ-FLX-10 Controller Rekordbox/Serato

649 €
Charlotte Mia
Pioneer DJ DDJ-FLX-10 Controller for Rekordbox and Serato

The FLX10 offers 4 channels and the controller is compatible with Serato DJ Pro and Rekordbox. Like the DDJ-1000, the predecessor of the FLX10, you’ll have 8 performance pads on each deck with two pages of slots for hot cues, samples, pad effects, and beat jumping. Pioneer has also kept colour FX (filtering, pitching, etc.) and beat FX too, the FLX10 is easily the best DJ controller for Serato.

Content : Power cord, AC adaptor, USB Type-C cable
Serato voucher(Pitch 'n Time DJ)
Quick Start Guide, Precautions for use
Pioneer Warranty 2 Years

More Models available : Pioneer OPUS-QUAD, Denon DJ Prime 4,Pioneer DDJ-FLX6-GT, Numark Mixstream Pro,Pioneer DJ-REV1 Battle and Scratch Controller,nPioneer DJ DDJ-REV7 with stock price / wholesales rates .

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Whatsapp : +971521074616
649 €

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