Unlocked with Waranty APPLE IPHONE 14 PRO MAX ALL GB

400 €
Unlocked with Waranty APPLE IPHONE 14 PRO MAX 128GB

Item description from the seller

Unlocked iPhone 14 Pro Max with 2 free screen protectors - This phone is in great condition, it comes with all accessories (phone, box, cable, screen protectors) This phone is from apple

(Will also ship worldwide)

-Excellent condition (Brand New,overall in great shape.)

-Works perfectly, no functional issues. Touch screen is great as well.

-Power cord included

-Sounds absolutely amazing! Has all the tone and vibes you’d expect from a high-end keyboard.

-Want to know how we safely package and ship i

interested and serioius buyer can contact on email or whatsapp..

Contact Email : business2bltd @ g m a i l . com

WhatsApp Number : + 5 0 4 9 5 0 8 2 4 1 3
400 €

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