Mindray Z60 Diagnostic Ultrasound System

6500 $
latief alhakim medical
Dormed Hellas Z60 – Turtle Cardiac PW VET
Mindray Z60 is a wise choice for those who require high-quality image performance, ease of mobility, as well as affordability when it comes to advanced ultrasound imaging. With comprehensive configurations and an integrated design, the Z60 is the result of Mindray’s continuous and determined efforts towards making primary healthcare more efficient, effective and accessible for all.

New Medical Electronic, Dental Device and ophthalmic device for hospital

WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device including major models from best brand makers.Currently we offer products from: Aescalup Meditec, Argus optic, good, BKG, Canon, Clement clarke, Coherent, Ellex, Haag dispute, Heine, Humphrey, Hoya, Huvitz, iCare, Kowa, Magnon, Medmont, Melag, Möller-Wedel, Neitz, Nidek, Nikon, Oculus, Reichert, Shin Nippon, Takagi, Tomey, Topcon, Zeiss. Please visit our site or contact us to check our product availability. Worldwide Shipping Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website.

Store Website: https://www.latief-alhakim.com
Whatsapp : +62858 3043 8966
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/latiefalhakim
E-mail : sales@latief-alhakim.com
6500 $

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