Roland VersaUV LEF-20 20" Flatbed UV-LED Printer

8900 $
latief alhakim medical
LEF-20 advanced features
The LEF-20 fits on a studio, office, or workshop benchtop and is Roland DG’s most advanced compact flatbed option. It offers the following features that make it the most versatile of flatbed printers in its class:

Advanced UV-LED curing system to expedite production with two times faster Clear ink and CMYK ink printing
An intuitive distance print mode to ensure brilliant print consistency on irregular and curved objects
Up to 20 job presets to instantly allow the recall of specific media settings for your most popular applications
New height sensor bar made with non-magnetic material for printing on magnetic items such as iPad covers

New Printer Machines, Inkjet Printer and Photo Printer Laser

WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, is one of big leading developer ,distributor,manufacture Printer Machines Technology, Inkjet Printer and Photo Printer Laser. The consistently utmost quality of our products are based on advanced American technology, excellent R&D teams from Asian. Currently we offer best products and brands from: MUTOH PRINTER, MIMAKI, ROLAND PRINTER, EPSON, HP PRINTER, DTG and FAST T JET, and many mores! Please visit our site or contact us for check our product available. World Wide Shipment Service Available! For more information regarding the product, you can visit our official website. You can also looking for the other simillar product and you can place your order directly from our official website, WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM

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8900 $

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