Yamaha Genos 76-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard

2000 €

The Genos 76-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard from Yamaha is a performance and studio instrument that combines tone generation technology with powerful digital electronics. It can be used to create a wide variety sounds with musical versatility for musicians, songwriters, engineers, sound designers, and more.

Yamaha Genos 76-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard
musical break
2 x music rest stands
AC Power Cord
1 year limited warranty

Contact us if you want the price and more details about the instrument...we also offer you much discount on the keyboard...the instruments are cheap.

Gmail: kobyrohu@gmail.com
MSN: kobyrohu@outlook.com
WHATSAPPCHAT:+1 403 483 3940
2000 €

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