Arrma Mojave 6S BLX Brushless RTR (RealWorldHobby)

315 $
Buy Arrma Mojave 6S BLX Brushless RTR from REALWORLDHOBBY Online Store one of the world's leading online retailers for a wide selection of RC Planes, RC Helicopters, Drones, Cars / Trucks RC, RC Boat, and RC Rock Crawler.

Brand : Arrma
Product Code : ARA7604V2T
Availability : In Stock
Price : $315.00
Payment Options : PayPal, Bank Transfer (T/T), Western Union (WU), Wise Transfer, World Remit, MoneyGram International, and Xoom
Shipping Service : FedEx/UPS/DHL
Delivery Time : 5 - 7 Days
Address : FX Sudirman - Jl. General Sudirman, Gelora - Kab. Tanah Abang, Jakarta 10270
Email Orders :
Whatsapp/Call : +6282320101768

Description Product
The Arrma Mojave 6S BLX Brushless RTR 1/7 4WD RTR Desert Racer V2 is fast and tough, and is ready for extreme performance right out of the box. Whether you're thrashing through coastal sand dunes or blasting across concrete sidewalks, the Mojave 6S delivers the power and speed to thrill even the most discriminating bashers.
315 $

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