Pro Boat Blackjack 42" 8S Brushless RTR Electric Catamaran (RealWorldHobby)

325 $
Buy Pro Boat Blackjack 42" 8S Brushless RTR Electric Catamaran from REALWORLDHOBBY Online Store one of the world's leading online retailers for a wide selection of RC Planes, RC Helicopters, Drones, Cars / Trucks RC, RC Boat, and RC Rock Crawler.

Brand : Pro Boat
Product Code : PRB08043T2
Availability : In Stock
Price : $325.00
Payment Options : PayPal, Bank Transfer (T/T), Western Union (WU), Wise Transfer, World Remit, MoneyGram International, and Xoom
Shipping Service : FedEx/UPS/DHL
Delivery Time : 5 - 7 Days
Address : FX Sudirman - Jl. General Sudirman, Gelora - Kab. Tanah Abang, Jakarta 10270
Email Orders :
Whatsapp/Call : +6282320101768

Description Product
The Pro Boat Blackjack 42" 8S Brushless RTR Electric Catamaran is a return to the days of large-scale racing boats taking on all comers with style and speed. The 8S-rated Spektrum 160A High Voltage, water-cooled, Smart electronic speed controller works tirelessly to power the Spektrum Marine 4685 4 Pole, water-cooled motor which is capable of producing up to 5.3 horsepower and hitting 55+ MPH! There is no other boat in this size, with this much power, at such an affordable value.
325 $

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