
350 €
Recruitment company from United Kingdom
In searching for a person to work from home
-conversational English
-knowledge of PC, Word, Excel, Office, to write fast; TeamViewer, Skype, detached soundboard and smartphone android/iphone
-maximum availability in those 8 hours of working
-to be extremely well organized
-very careful at details
-experience in working with people, patience, understanding, ability of communication and the ability to create a good atmosphere
-to be an active person, not to wait all the time instructions, to have initiative, to understand fast the essence of the things
-to understand that he will be part of a business, and without implication and effort, he can’t have success
-strategic mind-set: takes a long term view and anticipates future trends and implications
-business insights: has a nose for business
-collaborates: is a team player
Our company, based in London, has the purpose of doing comercial and residential buildings. We are experts in providing construction recruitment. Jobs we specialise in within the construction sector include: Construction Management jobs, Construction Trade jobs, etc. We are focus on shaping process, by supplying skilled contractors and sourcing talented staff from construction fields throughout London, UK
Salary 10 GBP/day from the first day. And who offers more than it’s written here has the right to ask for more.
I’m looking to pay the higher rate for the right person
Daily pay or per week via PayPal or MoneyGram or Azimo.
Contact me for any other information about this job via email or 0769 821 506

350 €

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