Locuri de munca România - salarii min. 1000 Euro

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Dream Girls
Most Exclusive Massage Salon of Romania (in Targu Jiu) is opening soon and we are looking for new girls

If you are confident, honoust, smart and have a great attitude and good looks then come and join our elite masseuse team. Wonderfull Dreamgirls îs the biggest and the most exclusive erotic massage salon from Romania. Our brand is in adult entertaining business for ten years. Come and work with us, and see that we are a unique team with a lot of opportunities for you.
Prefered age 18/28. Salary from
€ 1000.- and up (depending of level massages)

Interested ?
Send your CV and photo’s to:
Email: info@wonderfulldreamgirls.com
Tel: 0040-748.548.156

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