System Administrator (Linux)

Предлагаю работу 
Company description
Cloud professional service partner offering the customers cloud and cloud support for public clouds
(AWS, Azure,Google), Microsoft systems, and partly virtualization technologies.

Job summary
As part of our team you will provide services for Linux / Unix servers for customer without any
geographical boundaries. We are allowing you to evaluate your previous working experience with Unix
/ Linux systems and relational robust and stable databases.

Primary job responsibilities
• Administrate Linux server - monitoring and remote management of servers in cloud
environments Amazon AWS, MS Azure Google
• Manage user requirements
• Install all updates, management of backups, application installation
• Administrate of large systems of international companies
• Participate in the incident, problem and change management processes

Required skills
• 1+ years of technology knowledge of the one commercial Unix systems and Linux (RedHat,
SUSE, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian)
• Basic knowledge of Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB database is an advantage
• Willingness and ability to learn new technologies and procedures
• Responsibility, ability to work effectively in the team
• Communication skills in English (B1 / B2 written and spoken) language

What we offer
• Full time contract
• Professional growth and development through certified training programs and knowledge
• Competitive salary
• Meal vouchers
• Large variety of other benefits and sports events

Interested candidates are invited to submit a CV at

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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