F&B Department staff wanted in Greece

Ofertă de muncă 
Job Trust
We are hiring F&B Department staff (waiters, assistant waiters, bartenders) in 5* hotels and resorts in Greece.

Good knowledge of English language; other language skills will be an advantage
Good communication skills.

Attractive salary, tips, accommodation and 3 meals per day provided by the hotel
On-job training

Location: Halkidiki, Crete, Kefalonia, Corfu, Mykonos, Kos, Peloponnese, Paros and other islands

Duration: 3-6 months between April and October
Apply today at www.jobtrust.gr call us for a short interview WhatsApp/Viber +30 698 824 88 50 ; Skype: jobtrust
+30 6988248850

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