Summer Jobs in 5* Hotels in Greece and Cyprus

Ofertă de muncă 
Job Trust
Are you looking for a summer job, summer internship or practical training in the hospitality business?
JOB TRUST offers you plenty of vacancies in tourism and hospitality at the best 5* hotels and resorts in Greece!

We have available vacancies in:
• F&B (Hostess/Waiters, Bartenders)
• Front Office (Reception/Guest Relations; Groom/bellboy)
• Animation(Sports Activities, Entertainment)
• Spa Department (Spa Therapist/Spa receptionist)

• Excellent command of the English language
• A second foreign language would be an advantage
• Ability to work in an international team.
• Good communications skills
• Teamwork

• Monthly salary
• Accommodation and 3 meals per day
• On-job training
• EXTRA bonus of 50euro per working month for travel expenses when the whole contract is completed and all transportation tickets and receipts are submitted.

All our services are free of charge for our applicants.

Do not miss out! Apply today at and secure a position for this summer at one of the best hotels in Greece.

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