General Laborers, Drivers and Engineers Needed

Ofertă de muncă 
Are you looking for a new exciting role? Are you looking for a new challenge to get stuck into? Are you looking to work for a leading international contractor?

This exciting opportunity is a key part of our clients growth plan so if you think this could be the right move for you, please apply!!

Belgos progkt is looking for General laborers and Engineers ready to work at our different projects . We need the following domains.
Mechanical Engineers
Structural Engineers
Electrical Engineers
Procurement Engineers
Civil Engineers
Process Engineers
Architectural Engineers
Chemical engineers
Systems engineers
Computer software engineers
Computer hardware engineers
Agricultural engineers
Mineral engineers.
Building services engineers
Communications engineers
Control and instrumentation engineers
Petroleum engineers
Structural engineer
Truck Drivers
Accounting technicians
General Laborers


21 years old or older
Able to work outdoors in all weather conditions
Able to stoop, bend, walk on uneven surfaces; walk, stand, bend, lift, sit for extended time
Able to use my hands to perform activities involving holding, grasping, turning, and pulling
Available to travel to job sites around the designated region and remain on site for extended periods, sometimes days or weeks at a time.
Able to work a 40-hour work week subject to overtime and alternate shifts that may include weeknights, weekends and holidays

So you can just drop your resume and we can see what to do for you. Email:

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