a young assistant for my company

Ofertă de muncă 
a young assistant girl for my company wanted by a French businessman: free to travel. Good presentation, available quickly
Training provided, a little English is enough (or not) for the rest no skills required.
She will take care of all my business: taking care of my things as they go, email, laundry, shopping, banking, etc.
Contact me by whatsapp +33660618046

Interview at CHISINAU around January 20. One month of motivating salary trial.

Then you will take care of all my business as you learn:
you will not do everything in 5 minutes but gradually
. Please write to me: discipline, obedience and cleanliness requested. It must be available 24 hours a day

Other information

i have a marketing business but other business.

I have a hotel "villa Gaby" look www.villa-gaby.fr

I organize cruises

look at www.croisieres-sicile.fr

And I have a marketing business
I organize conferences-meetings for companies and businessmen all over Europe.
I need you as an assistant

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