SenseCAP M1 Helium HNT Crypto Miner CHAT :+33753460410

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600 €
NewEgg INC
SenseCAP M1 Helium HNT Crypto Miner CHAT :+33753460410

Selling SenseCAP M1 Helium HNT Crypto Miner

SenseCAP M1 is a high-performing, ready-to-use LoRaWAN indoor gateway compatible with Helium LongFi Network. SenseCAP M1 can connect to The People’s Network within a few simple steps in minutes, and helps you build LoRa applications with low costs. SenseCAP M1 provides miles of wireless network coverage and data transmission capacity for LoRa/LoRaWAN devices.

SenseCAP M1 Helium HNT Crypto Miner. US915 & EU868 mhz Models Available In stock . Brand new in sealed box, never opened or synced to a wallet.

Storage : 64GB MicroSD Card
Bluetooth 5.0, BLE

Available Miner below..

Brand New Nebra Indoor Helium Network Hotspot Miner
Bobcat currently support US915, EU868, AU915, AS923, and KR920.

Quick contact below=.

Manager : Liam Clinton
Telegram : @Newegginc
Whats-App: +(1) 762-233-4358
Contact : +33753460410
600 €

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